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What Is Beef Kamto + Recipes To Try

The names of the beef cuts in the display case of your supermarket are not always obvious for those who are not butchers, chefs, or even experienced cooks. 

One of these beef cuts that you might have encountered is the beef kamto. 

According to "Kulinarya, A Guidebook to Philippine Cuisine", the beef cut "kamto" is the flank. This can form part of the sirloin. This is located on the underside of the cow past the ribs and is the fleshy part of the stomach or abdominal area, just in front of the hind leg. 

Also spelled "camto", the kamto looks like a flat, triangular piece of meat. It's actually very lean with little to no fat when trimmed properly and is a smooth beef cut with the large grains of the meat running in one direction. 

Because the grains of the beef are very long and thick, it's a tough cut of meat. It's a meat cut that benefits highly from a marinade and is fantastic when grilled, seared like steak, stir fried, or otherwise cooked quickly. However, if you discover you've overcooked the cut to the point that it's tough and chewy to eat, you can braise it instead which will result in a flavorful beef stew.

This beef cut is known as kamto or the flank.
Photo by Wikipedia Commons

If you do leave the meat cut whole and cook it as a steak, take note of the grains and slice against the grain and thinly for tender bites each time. Slice the wrong way or too thickly and you may end up with the steak that's better off as part of a stew.  

It's not a popular cut of meat but apart from a few key recipes, the kamto can be treated like beef cubes albeit irregularly shaped. This beef cut is best suited for the advanced cook because it requires fast cooking and a steady hand. However, if you do want to try cooking this beef cut, remember these tips: 

  • • Marinate it! The acidity in marinades will help break down the fibers of the meat and tenderize it before cooking. 
  • • Cook kamto quickly, seared over high heat for best results. 
  • • Slice against the grain of the meat and thinly for tender bites. 

Armed with this knowledge and tips on how to prepare and cook it, here are recipes to try with this unique meat cut. 

Photo by Patrick Martires

1 Fajita Recipes

You may have heard of this recipe or dish before but what exactly is a fajita? A fajita is a Tex-Mex fusion dish composed of bell peppers and onions. The seasoning can be similar to taco seasoning but it can be tweaked to have more spicy chili powder or herby oregano.

The recipe can be as simple as a stir-fry, one that's cooked quickly and easily in a wok or large pan over high heat or it can be more hands-free by using an oven to do all the cooking for you. 


Photo by Shutterstock

2 Beef with Broccoli Recipe 

Whether you love your savory beef with broccoli or not, there's no denying that the dish is super delicious. It's all thanks to the sauce! Usually, oyster sauce is the main ingredient that provides a rich, umami-loaded flavor. However, without the beef to lend its own flavor to the sauce as well, the dish would not be as tasty and addictive. The beefy flavor is especially pronounced in the kamto cut since it lacks the fat that other beef cuts offer. 


Photo by Majoy Siason

3 Sweet and Sour Beef Recipe 

Since the kamto cut is best when marinated, you'll love that the marinade of the sweet and sour recipe includes pineapple juice. Not only does the pineapple add its signature sweet and tangy flavor but it is also an acidic ingredient as well as a natural tenderizer of meat. What makes pineapples so perfect as a natural meat tenderizer? Pineapples have this enzyme called bromelain that can break down the strands in meat. 

Try it and see if your beef is more tender when marinated overnight in this mixture. 


Want to learn more about the different beef cuts that you may find in the meat display case of your supermarket? Find out what these beef cuts are and more information about these beef cuts if you read on: 



What Is Beef Kamto + Recipes To Try
Source: Daily Buzzers PH

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